Alaska Counts Mini-Grant Application
Alaska Counts is an education campaign organized by the Alaska Census Working Group (ACWG) to ensure that every person in Alaska understands that completing the census is confidential, easy to complete, and critical to ensuring that every community gets its full share of funding for local public services. We are working to reach Alaskans across the state ahead of the 2020 count through census communications and outreach.
The mini-grant program is an opportunity for organizations across the state to apply for up to $250 to conduct local census outreach in their own community. The Foraker Group, as fiscal agent for Alaska Counts, will disburse funds to organizations that apply for mini-grant funding.
Mini-grants will be disbursed on a rolling basis. Groups are encouraged to apply early, as funding is limited. Applicants can expect to hear back about their mini-grant application within two weeks.
Any nonprofit, government organization, regional housing authority, school, tribal organization, or tribe in the state of Alaska is eligible to apply for a mini-grant. Unfortunately we cannot disburse mini-grants to individuals; Preference will be given to entities that have not already been granted to; entities that apply for multiple mini-grants will need to demonstrate that they are serving different hard-to-count groups with each event/activity.
Eligible activities range from hosting a local census lunch & learn event to sponsoring a poster making contest or developing a student-led census art project. Be creative–you know your community best! We won’t fund partisan political activities/events, alcohol, or other impairing substances.
Reporting requirements for the mini-grant program are simple: All we ask is that you A) send a photo of the event/outreach activity you engage in along with an estimate of the number of people impacted by the project, and B) share a post on your group’s social media within one week of the use of the mini-grant and tag Alaska Counts.
If you receive local media coverage of your project or event, please reach out! We’d love to share the story with our Alaska Counts audiences. You can email with information or questions about media coverage.
Yes! Please visit to view and download available Alaska Counts materials. Please also reach out to if you have an idea for a resource that’s not currently available, and we’ll see what we can do to create it.
We’re working with partners to translate materials into non-English languages, including many Alaska Native languages. Hold tight! We’ll have more information up soon, and we’ll make sure to make translated materials available on our website as soon as we have them.
Please reach out to us directly—by phone or by email—if you do not use all of the mini-grant funds awarded. We will work to help you redirect funds to census outreach efforts in your community or ask that you return the remaining funds. Please be mindful that funds are limited—only ask for what you think you truly need to activate your idea.